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The requested app service plan cannot be created in the current resource group because it is hosting Linux apps

I'm provisioning App Service, App Service plan and storage account to existing Resource Group using ARM template. Doing this on a nightly basis. Everything has worked several months but suddenly started to see errors like this:

 "Code": "BadRequest",
 "Message": "The requested app service plan cannot be created in the current resource group because it is hosting Linux apps. Please choose a different resource group or create a new one.",
 "Target": null,
 "Details": [
     "Message": "The requested app service plan cannot be created in the current resource group because it is hosting Linux apps. Please choose a different resource group or create a new one."
     "Code": "BadRequest"
     "ErrorEntity": {
       "ExtendedCode": "59314",
       "MessageTemplate": "The requested app service plan cannot be created in the current resource group because it is hosting Linux apps. Please choose a different resource group or create a new one.",
       "Parameters": [],
       "Code": "BadRequest",
       "Message": "The requested app service plan cannot be created in the current resource group because it is hosting Linux apps. Please choose a different resource group or create a new one."
 "Innererror": null
' Error code: 1201

There are no changes on ARM template.

I don't have permissions to create new Resource Groups with this subscription, just Resource Group owner to this existing one.


  • The issue can be resolved by creating new Linux App Service plan to Resource group and then deleting it. After that Windows App Service plan provisioning works again.