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FlatBuffer: how to construct a table with an optional sub-struct/sub-table

I have a root table and inside the table an optional struct/table. The inner table is optional--it may or may not construct based on other conditions.

Here is an example FlatBuffer schema:

struct A {

table B {

table C {

Whether to construct A/B is based on other conditions.

Since you aren't allowed to use FlatBufferBuilder nested, do I have to construct them first even they are not needed, and then add_a/add_b very late, after create Cbuilder based on other conditions?

In C++, I didn't figure out a proper way to do that. Any help is appreciated!


  • Just because you construct objects in pre-order (not nested) doesn't make optional construction any different:

    flatbuffers::Offset<B> bo;  // default 0, so unused.
    if (my_conditions) {
      bo = CreateB(fbb, ..);
    Cbuilder cb;
    if (my_conditions) {
      cb.add_a(A(..));  // Structs must be created inline.
    cb.add_b(bo);  // This will not be stored if 0.