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Need to verify half of a String in a Loop

I'm doing a palindrome exercise and want to verify half of the string in a loop. I tried to do for ex: for(index in text.indices / 2) and didn't work

fun palindrome(text:String): Boolean {

   var inverse : Int = text.length - 1

   for (index in text.indices) {
       if (!text[index].equals(text[inverse])) {
           return false
   return true


  • The for loop syntax in Kotlin is similar to Java's "enhanced for" loop:

    for (<variable> in <expression>) {

    where <expression> can be "anything that provides an iterator" (from the documentation)

    The Kotlin equivalent of the code you added in your comment is: for (i in 0 until text.length()/2). Note that until is not a keyword but rather an infix function and creates the range 0 .. text.length()-1.

    More on ranges here.