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Is there a way for implicit conversion from double to std::array<double,1>?

I have a template class like this:

template<int dimension>
class Foo{
  Foo(std::array<double, dimension>);

and a function

func(Foo<1> f);

I would like to be able to call the function and the constructor like this:

Foo<1> f(1);

instead of

Foo<1> f({1});

Is there a nice way to achieve this?

If implicit conversion is not possible, can 1 add a constructor for the Foo<1> case only?


  • An implicit conversion for a double into a std::array<double, 1> is not possible. That would require overloading a conversion operator for double but that can't be done as you can't overload operators for built in types.

    What you can do is add


    constructor and then use a static_assert like

    static_assert(dimension == 1, "single double constructor only works if dimension == 1");

    in the body of the constructor to limit it to only work when the array has a size of 1. (I like using static_assert when I can because it lets you write a nice, descriptive, error message)

    You should consider renaming dimension to size since that is what is specifying in the array.