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How do I close a Bootstrap/Lightbox modal by clicking anywhere within the viewport?

When the Lightbox image appears, I can only close the modal by clicking outside of it. I would like to close the modal by clicking anywhere within the viewport, as well as with Esc or Space Bar.


  • I hope I'm understanding your question properly. The way I read is that you also want to close the modal/ lightbox when clicking inside it. This would be accomplished like this:

    $('#yourModalID').on('click', function(){

    You also want to close the modal on a spacebar press. You could do this like that:

    $('body').on('keyup', function(event){
        if (event.keyCode == 32){ //check if the key pressed was the space bar

    You should probably only add this event listener when opening the modal and remove it when the modal is closed to get better performance.