I'm looking for a library that can deal with RDF and OWL data.
So far I have found:
Your recommendations:
ROWLEX is actually very cool (uses SemWeb internally). It is not just a browser app but rather an SDK written in C#. If you use ROWLEX, you do not directly interact with the tripples of RDF anymore (though you can), but gives an object oriented look&feel. There are two main usage scenarios:
The typical usage is the Ontology first approach. For example, let us say that your ontology describes the following multiple inheritence scenario:
Car isSubClassOf Vehicle
Car isSubClassOf CompanyAsset
Using ROWLEX, you will get .NET classes for Car, Vehicle, and CompanyAsset. The following C# code will compile without any problem:
RdfDocument rdfDoc = new RdfDocument();
Car car = new Car("myCarUri", rdfDoc);
Vehicle vehicle = car; // implicit casting
CompanyAsset companyAsset = car; // implicit casting
vehicle.WheelCount = 4;
companyAsset.MonetaryValue = 15000;
This would print:
myCarUri typeOf Car
myCarUri WheelCount 4
myCarUri MonetaryValue 15000
The "car" business object is represented inside the RdfDocument as triples. The autogenerated C#/VB classes behave as a views. You can have several C# views - each of a completely different type - on the same business object. When you interact with these views, you actually modifying the RdfDocument.