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Reshape Data based on Different columns

I need to reshape my data, to get it in a proper format for Survival Analysis.

My current Dataset looks like this:

Product_Number            Date         Status 
     A                  2018-01-01        0
     A                  2018-01-02        1
     A                  2018-01-03        0
     B                  2018-01-01        0
     B                  2018-01-02        0
     B                  2018-01-03        0
     B                  2018-01-04        1
     C                  2018-01-01        0
     C                  2018-01-02        0

I need to reshape my data, based on the columns Product_Number, Date and Status (I want to count the number of days, per product, until the status shift to a 1. If the status is 0, the proces should start over again).

So the data should look like this:

Product_Number    Number_of_Days    Status 
       A                2             1    #Two days til status = 1
       A                1             0    #One day, status = 0 (no end date yet) 
       B                4             1    #Four days til status = 1
       C                2             0    #Two days, status is still 0 (no end date yet)

What have I tried so far?

I ordered my data by ProductNumber and Date. I love the DPLYR way, so I used:

df <- df %>% group_by(Product_Number, Date)   # note: my data is now in the form as in the example above. 

Then I tried to use the diff() function, to see the differences in dates (count the number of days). But I was unable to "stop" the count, when status switched (from 0 to 1, and vice versa).

I hope that I clearly explained the problem. Please let me know if you need some additional information.


  • You could do:

    df %>%
      group_by(Product_Number) %>%
      mutate(Date = as.Date(Date),
             group = cumsum(coalesce(as.numeric(lag(Status) == 1 & Status == 0), 1))) %>%
      group_by(Product_Number, group) %>%
      mutate(Number_of_Days = (last(Date) - first(Date)) + 1) %>%
      slice(n()) %>% ungroup() %>%
      select(-group, -Date)


    # A tibble: 4 x 3
      Product_Number Status Number_of_Days
      <chr>           <int> <time>        
    1 A                   1 2             
    2 A                   0 1             
    3 B                   1 4             
    4 C                   0 2