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Mapping in Dataweave

I have to do XML to JSON mapping in dataweave. The request XML is:


Resulting JSON should be

Result: Sample1:Sample2:Sample3.Sample21:Sample22:Sample23.Sample31:Sample32:Sample33.Sample41:Sample42:Sample43

i.e. I have to join all the records in 'PassData2' with ':' and then i have to check if 'Leg' with value '+1' is present, if yes then i have to do the same for those elements and join them with '.'


  •      %dw 1.0
     %output application/json
         Result: payload.AccRoot.FinRoot..PassData2 
             orderBy ($.Leg as :number) 
             reduce ((val, acc = []) -> 
                 (acc ++ [val]) when acc == [] or acc[-1].Leg as :number + 1 == val.Leg as :number 
                 otherwise acc
             map ([$.Data, $.Data2, $.Data3] joinBy ':')
             joinBy '.'
    1. Selects all PassData2 nodes

    2. Orders them by Leg (in case they're unordered)

    3. Performs a reduce to ensure the only elements in the array are those with sequential values for Leg

    4. Maps each element left to a concatenation of it's Data* nodes using : as the separator

    5. Joins that final array using .