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CentOS 7 - how to install dependency using wget in an RPM spec file

I'm trying to write a spec RPM file to build an RPM package. Here is in essence my spec file:

Requires: nodejs java-1.8.0-openjdk java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel log4j 

%define _rpmdir ../
%define _rpmfilename %%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{ARCH}.rpm
%define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 0

[Some script]

[Some script]

[Some script]

[Some script]



I've managed to install the package dependencies with the preamble Requires expect one that doesn't exist as a yum package (tomcat8). I found on the internet that the way to install it on centOS is:

rpm -ivh tomcat8-8.5.37-2.el7.harbottle.x86_64.rpm

But where should I put it in the spec file? I tried to put it in the %pre script, but there is a lock on rpm that prevent its use. I tried to put it in the %install part, but it didn't seem right. Can you please help me to fix this problem? Is there a way to still put it in the Requires preamble?



  • this is not the way you should manage those dependencies. You should search for a way to make this rpm available in you repositories. I see multiple options:

    1. add the harbottle repository:yum-config-manager --add-repo Now your yum will be able to find the tomcat8 rpm by itself
    2. If you want to make sure the package remains available; better copy the tomcat8.rpm inside your own repository besides your other rpms.