I started working with Azure search a couple of months ago but I have an issue with the metadata of blobfiles.
I need the metadata of a file (coming from Azure Blob) to use it in my customskill. (More specific I need the URL of the blobfile where it's stored).
To do this I need it in my skillset, I would do something like in this image. But that's not possible because the source has to start with /document? If I do "/document/metadata_storage_path/" as "Source" I got a null value in the end?
Is there a way to get the metadata of a file as input to use it further on?
Thanks in advance!
I discovered why it (and the solutions) were not working for me. I hope I can help others that encounter this issue.
The syntax mentioned above by Sophiac was correct. So in my case I used "metadata_storage_path" as input in the skillset:
"@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Skills.Custom.WebApiSkill",
"description": "Our new substring custom skill",
"uri": "https://customskillsubstring.azurewebsites.net/api/Translate?code=OkzL7G3wX----jCqQylUyJJPaggSaFQCaQ==",
"context": "/document",
"inputs": [
"name": "text", "source": "/document/metadata_storage_path"
"outputs": [
"name": "text",
"targetName": "metadata_storage_path_wathever"
The issue was in the indexer. I mapped in the fieldmapping the "metadata_storage_path" to something else (in my case "blob_uri"). The problem is this is not really a mapping but more like a replacement. So the "metadata_storage_path" was empty in the skillset because it was already replaced.
But if I use "blob_uri" it is working. Solution is that you can map one input to more than one thing in the indexer:
"fieldMappings" : [
"sourceFieldName" : "metadata_storage_name",
"targetFieldName" : "id",
"mappingFunction" :
{ "name" : "base64Encode" }
"sourceFieldName" : "content",
"targetFieldName" : "content"
"sourceFieldName" : "metadata_storage_path",
"targetFieldName" : "blob_uri"
"sourceFieldName" : "metadata_storage_path",
"targetFieldName" : "metadata_storage_path"
Now I can use the "blob_uri" and the "metadata_storage_path" as an input for my customskill.