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How to translate MS Windows OS version numbers into product names in .NET?

How to translate MS Windows OS version numbers into product names?

For example, in .NET the following two properties could be used to work out that the product is MS Windows Vista Ultimate Edition :

Environment.OSVersion.Platform returns Win32NT

Environment.OSVersion.Version returns 6.0.6001.65536


  • howto net os version


    Public Function GetOSVersion() As String
        Select Case Environment.OSVersion.Platform
            Case PlatformID.Win32S
                Return "Win 3.1"
            Case PlatformID.Win32Windows
                Select Case Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor
                    Case 0
                        Return "Win95"
                    Case 10
                        Return "Win98"
                    Case 90
                        Return "WinME"
                    Case Else
                        Return "Unknown"
                End Select
            Case PlatformID.Win32NT
                Select Case Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major
                    Case 3
                        Return "NT 3.51"
                    Case 4
                        Return "NT 4.0"
                    Case 5
                        Select Case _
                            Case 0
                                Return "Win2000"
                            Case 1
                                Return "WinXP"
                            Case 2
                                Return "Win2003"
                        End Select
                    Case 6
                        Select Case _
                            Case 0
                                Return "Vista/Win2008Server"
                            Case 1
                                Return "Win7/Win2008Server R2"
                            Case 2
                                Return "Win8/Win2012Server"
                            Case 3
                                Return "Win8.1/Win2012Server R2"
                        End Select
                    Case 10  //this will only show up if the application has a manifest file allowing W10, otherwise a 6.2 version will be used
                      Return "Windows 10"
                    Case Else
                        Return "Unknown"
                End Select
            Case PlatformID.WinCE
                Return "Win CE"
        End Select
    End Function


    public string GetOSVersion()
      switch (Environment.OSVersion.Platform) {
        case PlatformID.Win32S:
          return "Win 3.1";
        case PlatformID.Win32Windows:
          switch (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor) {
            case 0:
              return "Win95";
            case 10:
              return "Win98";
            case 90:
              return "WinME";
        case PlatformID.Win32NT:
          switch (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major) {
            case 3:
              return "NT 3.51";
            case 4:
              return "NT 4.0";
            case 5:
              switch (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor) {
                case 0:
                  return "Win2000";
                case 1:
                  return "WinXP";
                case 2:
                  return "Win2003";
            case 6:
              switch(Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor) {
                case 0:
                  return "Vista/Win2008Server";
                case 1:
                  return "Win7/Win2008Server R2";
                case 2:
                  return "Win8/Win2012Server";
                case 3:
                  return "Win8.1/Win2012Server R2";
            case 10:  //this will only show up if the application has a manifest file allowing W10, otherwise a 6.2 version will be used
              return "Windows 10";
        case PlatformID.WinCE:
          return "Win CE";
      return "Unknown";