I am testing my DAO class which uses a custom RestTemplate that extends RestTemplate to do postForObject, but I am getting the below error even after I added byte-buddy dependency to pom.xml. This error seems happening on the call to Mock(). Can someone please let me know what I did wrong?
NoClassDefFoundError: net/bytebuddy/TypeCache
<scope>test</scope> <!--also tried giving "runtime" here -->
My Dao class:
public class DaoClass {
private MyCustomRestTemplate restTemplate;
public SomeObjectType getAddressFromSomewhere(
String url, String request) {
return restTemplate.postForObject(url, request, SomeObjectType.class);
I have set up a TestConfiguration class so that the test restTemplate bean will be used in testing:
public class TestConfiguration {
public MyCustomRestTemplate restTemplate() {
return new MyCustomRestTemplate();
Here is my Spock code where I mocked restTemplate postForObject:
@ContextConfiguration(classes = [TestConfiguration.class])
public class TestDao extends Specification {
private DaoClass dao;
//got the same error regardless of using @SpringBean or @TestConfiguration
MyCustomRestTemplate restTemplate = Mock() //***** Error occurred here
def "Test Success Senario"() {
def obj = .... // get object
given: "rest template"
1 * restTemplate.postForObject(_, _, _) >> obj
when: "we call Dao"
def actualResponse = dao.getAddressFromSomewhere(_);
then: "we get response"
actualResponse == obj
// got the same error regardless of using @SpringBean or @TestConfiguration
static class MockConfig {
def detachedMockFactory = new DetachedMockFactory()
MyCustomRestTemplate restTemplate() {
return detachedMockFactory.Mock(MyCustomRestTemplate )
The TypeCache<T>
class was introduced in byte-buddy 1.6.0, so you need this version at the minimum. Spock uses optional byte-buddy dependency, which means that the version you specified in your pom.xml takes precedence. Depending on the Spock version, here are byte-buddy versions used by a specific Spock version:
Update byte-buddy dependency version to one of the following and it should fix your problem.