I am trying to filter a liststore using the GTK2::TreeModelFilter. I can't seem to find an example online that uses perl and I am getting syntax errors. Can someone help me with the syntax below? The $unfiltered_store is a liststore.
$filtered_store = Gtk2::TreeModeFilter->new($unfiltered_store);
$filtered_store->set_visible_func(get_end_products, $unfiltered_store);
$combobox = Gtk2::ComboBoxEntry->new($filtered_store,1);
Then somewhere below:
sub get_end_products {
my ($a, $b) = @_;
return true; # Return all rows for now
Ultimately what I want to do is look at column 14 of the listore ($unfiltered_store) and if it is a certain value, then it filtered into the $filtered_store.
Can someone help me with the syntax on this? I checked a bunch of sites, but they're in other languages and using different syntax (like 'new_filter' -- doesn't exist with Perl GTK). This is the most elegant solution to a fix I need to make and I would prefer to learn how to use this rather than using a brute force method of pulling and saving the filtered data.
The set_visible_func
method of the filtered store should get a sub reference as the first argument, but you are not passing a sub reference here:
$filtered_store->set_visible_func(get_end_products, $unfiltered_store);
This will instead call the sub routine get_end_products
and then pass on its return value (which is not a sub reference). To fix it add the reference operator \&
in front of the sub name:
$filtered_store->set_visible_func(\&get_end_products, $unfiltered_store);
Regarding your other question in the comments:
According to the documentation the user data parameter is passed as the third parameter to get_end_products
, so you should define it like this:
sub get_end_products {
my ($model, $iter, $user_data) = @_;
# Do something with $user_data
return TRUE;
If for some reason $unfiltered_store
is not passed on to get_end_products
, you can try pass it using an anonymous sub
instead, like this:
sub { get_end_products( $unfiltered_store) });