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How to pass emotion theme to unit tests?

It's needed to pass theme to test correctly some of my components, using emotion ThemeProvider or withTheme API.

Actually, I found the same issue with 'styled-components', it described here. According VladimirPesterev comment, I got this API-wrapper:

import * as React from 'react'
import { shallow, mount, render } from 'enzyme'
import { ThemeProvider } from 'emotion-theming'
import theme from '../themes/default';

function wrapWithTheme (fn: Function, children: React.ReactChild, options: any): React.ReactChild {
  const wrapper = fn(
    <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
      { children }

  return wrapper[]({
    context: wrapper.instance().getChildContext(),

export function shallowWithTheme (component: React.ReactChild, options?: any) {
  return wrapWithTheme(shallow, component, options);

export function mountWithTheme (component: React.ReactChild, options?: any) {
  return wrapWithTheme(mount, component, options);

export function renderWithTheme (component: React.ReactChild, options?: any) {
  return wrapWithTheme(render, component, options);

When I use those helpers in my tests, I get an error:

TypeError: wrapper.instance is not a function

Looks like it's outdated API. There is another solution from arka-na in topic linked above, but I have no idea how to adopt it to emotion:

import { ThemeConsumer } from 'styled-components'
import defaultTheme from '../somewhere/theme'

export const shallowWithTheme = (children, theme = defaultTheme) => 
   ThemeConsumer._currentValue = theme
   return shallow(children)

UPDATE According Yichaoz answer, I ended-up with this snippet:

import * as React from 'react'
import { shallow, mount, render } from 'enzyme'
import { channel, createBroadcast } from 'emotion-theming'
import * as PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import defaultTheme from '../themes/default';

const broadcast = createBroadcast(defaultTheme);

const defaultOptions = {
  theme: defaultTheme,
  context: {
    [channel]: broadcast
  childContextTypes: {
    [channel]: PropTypes.object

function wrapWithTheme (fn: Function, component: React.ReactChild, options: any): React.ReactChild {
  const mergedOptions = Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, options);
  return fn(component, mergedOptions);

export function shallowWithTheme (component: React.ReactChild, options?: any) {
  return wrapWithTheme(shallow, component, options);

export function mountWithTheme (component: React.ReactChild, options?: any) {
  return wrapWithTheme(mount, component, options);

export function renderWithTheme (component: React.ReactChild, options?: any) {
  return wrapWithTheme(render, component, options);


  • Which version of emotion do you use? You can create that with broadcast to the context.


    import { channel, createBroadcast  } from 'emotion-theming';
        const broadcast = createBroadcast(defaultTheme);
        const defaultOptions = {
          theme: defaultTheme,
          context: {
            [channel]: broadcast
          childContextTypes: {
            [channel]: PropTypes.object
        export function mount(component, options) {
          return enzymeMount(

    source: createBoradcast

    You don't need to manually add the <ThemeProvider>