I have little knowledge of regular expressions, so I would like to know if you can only select the maximum amplitude value from this text returned by the sox program? In this case, for example, I would like to select only 0.712219
Samples read: 6615000
Length (seconds): 75.000000
Scaled by: 2147483647.0
Maximum amplitude: 0.712219
Minimum amplitude: -0.805969
Midline amplitude: -0.046875
Mean norm: 0.009264
Mean amplitude: -0.000027
RMS amplitude: 0.043011
Maximum delta: 0.734100
Minimum delta: 0.000000
Mean delta: 0.008353
RMS delta: 0.041470
Rough frequency: 6767
Volume adjustment: 1.241
perl -nle 'm{Maximum amplitude:\s+(-?\d?\.?\d+)} and print $1' file
This handles numbers with a negative sign and those with of without a digit followed by a decimal point and any number of digits.