I have a string in log and I want to mask values based on regex.
For example:
"email":"testEmail@test.com", "phone":"1111111111", "text":"sample text may contain email testEmail@test.com as well"
The regex should mask
Desired output:
"email":"*****", "phone":"*****", "text":"sample text may contain email ***** as well"
What I have been able to do is to mask email and phone individually but not the email id present inside the string after "text".
Regex developed so far:
As you are not matching an email address in the first part by matching not a double quote, you could match the email address in the text by also not matching a double quote.
One way to do this could be to get the matches using lookarounds and an alternation. Then replace the matches with *****
Note that you don't have to escape the double quote and the colon could be written without using the character class.
Assert what is on the left is either "phone":" or "email":"[^"]+(?=")
Match not a double quote and make sure that there is one at the end|
Match an email like
pattern by making use of a negated character class matching not a double quote or @See the regex demo