I need to extract the highlighted numbers from each line in a CSV file.
Currently I am looping though the lines & splitting the line on the / character as this only appears once in each row, but how do I remove everything around these numbers so I am left with:
If you want to only get the numbers, you could do a preg_match
$re = '/(\d+\/\d+)/s';
$str = 'dfsadsfadsfads~~9/10~~lfkjdskfds';
preg_match($re, $str, $matches);
but if you are able to get the entire doc as a single string, you could do a preg_match_all
$re = '/(\d+\/\d+)/s';
$str = 'dfsadsfadsfads~~9/10~~lfkjdskfds\ndfsadsfadsfads~~9/10~~lfkjdskfds\n';
preg_match_all($re, $str, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER, 0);
then loop on the $matches