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TYPO3 Routing: List & Details Action on same Page

When accessing the details page an exception is thrown: The action "details" (controller "Products") is not allowed by this plugin.

My Route Enhancer looks like this:

  type:              Extbase
  extension:         Myext
  plugin:            Products
      routePath:   '/{product_slug}'
      _controller: 'Products::details'
        product_slug: productId
  defaultController: 'Products::list'
    productId: '0'
      type: ProductsValueMapper

The Plugin is embedded via TypoScript:

lib.productsContent = USER
lib.productsContent {
    userFunc = TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap->run
    extensionName = Myext
    pluginName = Products
    vendorName = Vendor

    switchableControllerActions {
        Products {
            1 = list

[request.getQueryParams()['tx_myext_products']['productId'] > 0]
    lib.productsContent.switchableControllerActions.Products.1 = details

The links in the Fluid-Template are generated by:

<f:link.action class="button more" pageUid="38" action="details" arguments="{productId: '{}'}">Mehr</f:link.action>

I tried switching between list & details for _controller and defaultController. I also tried removing one or both, but either the generated links contain the GET-Params or the Detailview creates the error message above.

Can anyone push me into the right direction?

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: When I remove _controller: 'Products::details' the error message is gone and my details action is called properly. But then the links to the details action contain the regular GET-params.


  • The problem was that the plugin was embedded multiple times on the same page, which causes problems.

    To solve this you can either create different plugins or set plugin.tx_myext_products.mvc.callDefaultActionIfActionCantBeResolved = 1
