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Conditionals and regex doubts with grok filter in logstash

I'm taking my first steps with elastic-stack with a practical approach, trying to make it work with an appliacation in my enviroment. I'm having difficulties understanding from scratch how to write grok filters. I would like to have one like this one working, so from that one, I can work the rest of them.

I've taken some udemy courses, I'm reading this "Elastic Stack 6.0", I'm reading the documentation, but I can't find a way to make this work as intended.

So far, the only grok filter I'm using that actually works, is as simple as (/etc/logstash/config.d/beats.conf)

input {
  beats {
    port => 5044

filter {
  grok {
    match => { 'message' => "%{DATE:date} %{TIME:time} % 

output {
  elasticsearch {
    hosts => ["localhost:9200"] 

This is one of the log entries I'll need to work with, but there are many with different forms. I just need to have this one sorted out so I can adapt the filters to the rest.

2019-02-05 19:13:04,394 INFO [qtp1286783232-574:http://localhost:8080/service/soap/AuthRequest] [[email protected];oip=;ua=zclient/8.8.9_GA_3019;soapId=3bde7ed0;] SoapEngine - handler exception: authentication failed for [admin], invalid password

I'd like to have this info, only when there is a "soapId" and when the field next to "INFO" starts with "qtq":

date: 2019-02-05
time: 19:13:04,394
loglevel: INFO
identifier: qtp1286783232-574
soap: http://localhost:8080/service/soap/AuthRequest
Which could also end in things like "GetInfoRequest" or "NoOpRequest"
account: [email protected]
client: zclient/8.8.9_GA_3019
soapid: 3bde7ed0
error: true (if either "invalid password" or "authentication failed" are found in the line)

If the conditions are not met, then I will apply other filters (which hopefully I will be able to write adapting this one as a base).


  • You can't have false in the output if you have invalid password in the input. You can only match what is there in the string.

    I think you may use

    %{DATE:date} %{TIME:time} %{LOGLEVEL:loglevel} *\[(?<identifier>qtp[^\]\[:]*):(?<soap>[^\]\[]*)]\s*\[name=(?<account>[^;]+);oip=(?<oip>[0-9.]+);ua=(?<client>[^;]+);soapId=(?<soapId>[^;]+);].*?(?:(?<error>authentication failed).*)?$

    Here are the details of the added patterns:

    • * - 0+ spaces
    • \[ - a [ char
    • (?<identifier>qtp[^\]\[:]*) - Named group "identifier": qtp and then 0+ chars other than :, ] and [
    • : - a colon
    • (?<soap>[^\]\[]*) - Named group "soap": 0+ chars other than ] and [
    • ]\s*\[name= - a ], then 0+ whitespaces and [name= substring
    • (?<account>[^;]+) - Named group "account": 1+ chars other than ;
    • ;oip= - a literal substring
    • (?<oip>[0-9.]+) - Named group "oip": 1+ digits and/or dots
    • ;ua= - a literal substring
    • (?<client>[^;]+) - Named group "client": 1+ chars other than ;
    • ;soapId= - a literal substring
    • (?<soapId>[^;]+) - Named group "soapId": 1+ chars other than ;
    • ;] - a literal substring
    • .*? - any 0+ chars other than line break chars, as few as possible
    • (?:(?<error>authentication failed).*)? - an optional group matching 1 or 0 occurrences of
      • Named group "error": authentication failed substring
      • .* - all the rest of the line
    • $ - end of input.