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How can I configure the value of `-container-network` in selenoid for every jenkins build?

Every Jenkins build creates a network before running the selenoid tests. e.g.,

Creating network "jenkinspr613build11_default". The network name is based on the PR and build number.

The docker-compose.yaml file, had the below config for selenoid service:

    image: "aerokube/selenoid:latest-release"
    command: -listen :4444 -conf /etc/selenoid/browsers.json -limit 6 -video-output-dir /opt/selenoid/video/ -timeout 3m -container-network jenkinswebpr613build11_default
      - "4444:4444"

How can I configure the value of -container-network for every build?

Can I pass an environment variable to the yaml file?

I can start the tests locally when I hard-code the value of -container-network.


  • As the network name changed with every Jenkins build, I used a different solution:

    The value of Network was set to a command line variable ${NETWORK_TAG} as shown below:

        image: "aerokube/selenoid:latest-release"
        command: -listen :4444 -conf /etc/selenoid/browsers.json -limit 6 -video-output-dir /opt/selenoid/video/ -timeout 3m -container-network ${NETWORK_TAG}
          - "4444:4444"

    The docker-compose up command was run as follows:

    NETWORK_TAG=$JENKINS_NETWORK_NAME docker-compose -f docker-compose-selenoid.yml up --build

    The value of $JENKINS_NETWORK_NAME was dynamically set for every Jenkins build.