I have tried to start the 3DES protocol on a Mifare Ultralight C. In the product datasheet they specify that you have to start by sending the command 1A
(and I found this post that everyone who asks is redirected to: Android: Authenticating with NXP MiFare Ultralight C).
So I tried to do something similar in the code below:
byte[] authData = new byte[] { 0x1A, 0x00};
encRndB = nfca.transceive(authData);
But I always get the following error at the transceive operation:
W/System.err: android.nfc.TagLostException: Tag was lost.
Am I doing something wrong or I should do it in some other way?
Getting a TagLostException
in response to a command can mean two things:
Consequently, the second case is a clear indication that the tag did not support the MIFARE Ultralight C authentication command. This means that the tag probably is no MIFARE Ultralight C tag. You may check Distinguish different types of MIFARE Ultralight for a starting point on fingerprinting the actual tag type.