I am able to see 160 Native clients on a particular node from OpsCenter. But none of the application is pointing to this DC or any of the nodes from this DC.
If above is the situtation what are those 160 Native clients?
But not sure what are those clients.
Any idea??
I have used below command to find connecting clients:
sudo lsof -i -n -P | grep 9042 | grep ESTABLISHED
By running above, I found processes & those processes were all the java applications connecting to Cassandra. But I have not mentioned any of these hosts in connection, still requests were coming on them.
I found all those requests were because of Consistency Level: QUORUM by client applications. Although applications are not referring to those DCs directly but to achieve QUORUM requests were going on all DCs.
1 more thing was there: Java client aplications were using username(superuser) 'cassandra', this also need consistency level QUORUM.
Inter DC communication does not happen on 9042, so my assumption of some connections from Inter DC was also not correct.
Above was solution to my problem.