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Cocoon + Rails—how to access object data on form error (for dynamic fields)

I have cocoon creating association sub-forms, one of these forms has projects and codes


/ view (in slim format)
  = link_to_remove_association "×", f
      = f.label :project_id, "Project"
      =, { |project| [,] },
        { onChange: "updateCodes(this)" },
      = f.label :project_code_id, "Code"
      =, @current_project_codes[1])

The second select should show a list of codes based on the index of the selected project. So if project 3 was selected, then the options for codes should be @current_project_codes[3]


When I hit a validation error on submit, the form is reloaded with the previous data already filled out (like a normal rails form). However, I don't know how to tell the project_code select which options it should load. Since this is a cocoon form, I don't have an object like @project to access the data.

I need to figure out what project was selected, so I can show the right codes.

On validation error/reload, how can I get a cocoon object's data?

p.s. I'm struggling to define this question, if you have ideas on how to make my question clearer, please let me know.


  • Credit to @arieljuod

    f.object gives the form's object with its data

    For my specific problem, this was the line that allowed a select to autopopulate with any pre-saved data:
      @current_project_codes[f.object.project_id ||]