I'm trying to use variable in JQL
client = 'Newbie'
query = "Managed Services On-boarding " + client
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
params = (
('jql', 'project="Managed Services" AND summary~'"'+query+'"' AND issuetype="Task" AND status!="DONE"'),
above gives me zero result
but if i hard code query i got results
params = (
('jql', 'project="Managed Services" AND summary~"Managed Services On-boarding Newbie" AND issuetype="Task" AND status!="DONE"'),
is there any way to use variable in JQL ?
You have a mistake with your quotation marks around your query variable. Try it like that:
client = 'Newbie'
query = "Managed Services On-boarding " + client
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
params = (
('jql', 'project="Managed Services" AND summary~"'+query+'" AND issuetype="Task" AND status!="DONE"'),