In order to take in account Richard's comment and Steen's answer of I have to specify independently of type mime file and independently of the type file marked in CVS, I am looking for how to treat all files as binary file in cvs2svn ? Perhaps is not possible ?
Please Richard (or others), may you tell me how to know the marked type in CVS for a given file ?
How to treat all files as binary file ?
All 16 pass (of cvs2svn) are correctly done but several binary files are corrupted (like .gif). There are not treated as binary file!
The command line I used is:
python C:\noinstaller\cvs2svn-2.2.0\cvs2svn -s "SVN_REPO" "CVS_REPO" --use-cvs
--encoding=latin1 --mime-types=svn-mime-types --eol-from-mime-type
--keywords-off --sort=C:\noinstaller\UnxUtils\usr\local\wbin\sort.exe
After the reading of the CVS2SVN FAQ, I had tried many other options, but same the same file are always corrupted.
Thanks. Christian.
I deduce it is impossible to force cvs2svn to consider all files as binary file.