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Overlapping happening instead of uploading image on mask


I am allowing user to upload an image inside mask image....

Mask image :

enter image description here

User uploaded image :

enter image description here

Requirement: What I need as below :

enter image description here

Issue : What I am getting now as below : The uploaded image is displaying [ overlay ] outside the mask image instead of inside as below.

enter image description here

JS Fiddle:

Here is website url


<h3>Upload Photo</h3>
<label id="btn_upload_from_computer" for="fileupload_image" class="button -primary -size-md -full-width">
<svg class="icon-computer" version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" width="23px" height="20.031px" viewBox="0 0 23 20.031" enable-background="new 0 0 23 20.031" xml:space="preserve">
<path id="computer" fill="#FFFFFF" d="M21.793,0H1.207C0.539,0.002-0.002,0.545,0,1.213v14.42c-0.001,0.667,0.539,1.209,1.207,1.211
                c0.668-0.002,1.208-0.543,1.207-1.211V1.213C23.002,0.545,22.461,0.002,21.793,0z M21.235,15.11H1.765V1.735h19.47v13.378V15.11z" />
From your computer
<input type="file" id="fileupload_image" style="position: absolute; left: -2000px;" accept="image/*" />


  • As I said on your other question, which was practically the same, what you want is called a "Clipping Mask"

    Here's some magic. You're welcome!
