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Find the K closest points to the origin (0, 0)

The problem is, given a list of coordinates, determine the number of k coordinates that are closest to the origin.

I have been able to determine the distance between the points and origin, however when filtering for the closest k points, I am lost. I decided to place this logic in a the second for loop, sort the array of distance from closest to furthest, and push the values that are less than K.

function kClosest(points, k) {
    let length = [];
    let arr = [];
    let result = [];
    let a = 0;
    let b = 0;

    for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
        a = points[i][0]; //x coord
        b = points[i][1]; //y coord (y will always be second number or '1')
        length.push(parseFloat(calcHypotenuse(a, b).toFixed(4)))
        arr.push([points[i], length[i]])

    function calcHypotenuse(a, b) {
        return (Math.sqrt((a * a) + (b * b)));

    for (let i = 0; i < k; i++) {
        arr = arr.sort();
    return result;

    [-5, 4],
    [-6, -5],
    [4, 6]
], K = 2))

Expected output: [-5, 4], [4, 6] // I had [-5, 4], [-6, -5]


  • I suggest using a custom sort for this - you can pass Array.sort() a comparison function, like this:

    function kClosest(points, k) {
        //sorts the array in place
        points.sort((point1, point2) => {
            const distanceFromOrigin1 = getDistanceFromOrigin(point1);
            const distanceFromOrigin2 = getDistanceFromOrigin(point2);
            //sort by distance from origin, lowest first
            return distanceFromOrigin1 - distanceFromOrigin2;
        //returns first k elements
        return points.slice(0, k);
    function getDistanceFromOrigin(point) {
        const [x, y] = point; //array destructuring
        return (x*x) + (y*y);
        [-5, 4],
        [-6, -5],
        [4, 6]
    ], 2))

    See for more details on custom sorting.