I want to know how to create an icon pack for download at the Google play store. I am fluent in Photoshop as well as Illustrator and I have the potential to recreate app logos that can match a theme a person may like (such as a dark/material theme for their android device). I just don't know how to go about it, much less how to start (what are the recommended dimensions for the icon picture, what dpi, etc). I have been looking on the Internet for help and assistance as well, but sadly there is nothing I can find that will tell me what to do. If it involves coding I am up for learning something new or anything different than coding I am up for learning as well. Thanks in advance to any help/guidance in the future!
Adaptive Icons seem to be the future of app icons.
Nick Butcher did a really great article on how to implement them: https://medium.com/androiddevelopers/implementing-adaptive-icons-1e4d1795470e
Android Studio 3.0 includes a new wizard that will help you create them:
It allows you to select the foreground and the background and also can generate the legacy icons for you.