I'm having trouble implementing ag-grid in my angular app. I can load data to the grid, but when I load my dataset, there are no scroll bars.
Keyboard navigation to the right to expose more columns shows blank data, telling me that ag-grid hasn't figured out that I'm scrolling.
I've followed all the tutorials provided by ag-grid, as well as tried encapsulating it in a <div>
. I can change the size of the grid, but I cannot scroll.
component.css - (there are no global styles applied)
@import "~ag-grid/dist/styles/ag-grid.css";
@import "~ag-grid/dist/styles/ag-theme-balham.css";
component.html -
<div style="height: 500px; width: 100%">
style="height: 100%; width: 100%"
component.ts -
import {Component, OnInit, ViewChild, ViewEncapsulation} from '@angular/core';
import {GridApi, GridOptions} from 'ag-grid';
import {MyService} from '../../../services/backend-calls/my-service.service';
selector: 'app-my-grid',
templateUrl: './my-grid.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./my-grid.component.css'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
export class MyComponent implements OnInit {
public gridOptions: GridOptions;
@ViewChild('agGrid') agGrid;
title = 'app';
columnDefs = [
{ headerName: 'Column1', field: 'col1' },
{ headerName: 'Column2', field: 'col2' }
rowData = [];
private myService: MyService
) {
this.gridOptions = <GridOptions>{
context: this,
rowData: this.rowData,
columnDefs: this.columnDefs,
onGridReady(params) {
this.gridOptions.api = params.api;
this.gridOptions.columnApi = params.columnApi;
ngOnInit() {
private refreshGridData() {
// Propriatary code. Calls MyService to get row data, and updates
// this.rowData
As you can see from the below screenshot, there are no scroll bars. I have at least 500 rows of data, but no way to scroll. Sorry for the blackout. Anyone have any clue what's going on here?
So I think I was doing everything correctly, because the solution I found was to roll back my version from ^20.0.0 to ^18.1.2. After running "npm update" everything seemed to work just fine with no code changes.