Why does the array ( within the map block ) only return [true, true, false] if executed in ruby console as: x = [(rand 2)==1, (rand 5)==3, (rand 11)==6] then x, x, x?
first = "stephanie"
last = "devenport"
middle = "Lbp"
full_name = "#{first} #{middle} #{last}"
puts "#{full_name}\s\s\s\s\s"
.rstrip.gsub(' ', '').split(//)
.map{ |char| [(rand 2)==1, (rand 5)==3, (rand 11)==6].any? ? "#{char + ['~', '%', '^', '#'].sample}" : "#{char.upcase + ['-', '_'].sample}" }.join.chop
run within terminal returns => S_t~e~p~h#A_n~i^E_L_b~P-d~e^v#E_n%p~o~R-T
x = [(rand 2)==1, (rand 5)==3, (rand 11)==6]
This constructs an array with three elements and stores it in x
. The values in that array are random, but they are determined when the array is constructed. Whenever you look at x
it will always be the same three element array, because the random calls have already been made and the result has been stored in the array.
The problem is that x
is just a pointer to some values in memory. You can't "call" it. To get a different result every time, you need x to be a method
def x
[(rand 2)==1, (rand 5)==3, (rand 11)==6]