In Intellij for java I can type soutv +
tab and it will expand it to
System.out.println("var1 = " var1 ", var2, " = ", var 2)
Is there someting equivalent in PyCharm for python?
A hotstring that I type so it automatically creates something like
print("var1=", var1, ...)
(in IntelliJ for java there is also sout, soutm, soutp etc.. again: equivalent in PyCharm for python?)
All of this is live templates.
I believe, the difference is that all python is runtime, so you can't really build namespace/scope while writing the code. What you can do, tho, is to create live template like this:
print([f'{name} = {value}' for name, value in locals().items()])
Now you can use plocals
+ tab to insert line of code that will print out all variables in local scope
Note: formatting is for py 3.6+, but that's just for illustrative purposes