I want to set the high priority on the script below (only first).
Another important thing is whether you can do a Radom Sleep, 250 to 350
ImageSearch,,, 0, 0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, mor.png
bT:= ErrorLevel ? bT : 1
If bT
bT:= 0
Random, x, 1130, 1300
Random, y, 580, 680
Click % x % % y %
Sleep, 500
ImageSearch,,, 0, 0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, biz.png
bT:= ErrorLevel ? bT : 1
bT:= 0
Random, x, 540, 618
Random, y, 419, 430
Click % x % % y %
f1:: ExitApp
Try it this way:
Process, Priority,, High
If GetKeyState("F1","P")
ImageSearch,,, 0, 0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, mor.png
bT:= ErrorLevel ? bT : 1
If bT
bT:= 0
Random, x, 1130, 1300
Random, y, 580, 680
Click %x%, %y%
Sleep, % rnd(250,350)
ImageSearch,,, 0, 0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, biz.png
bT:= ErrorLevel ? bT : 1
If bT
bT:= 0
Random, x, 540, 618
Random, y, 419, 430
Click %x%, %y%
Random, myVar,% min,% max
return myVar