I need to generate a text file with data of the UUID and IP of a machine through batch file, something like this:
I used these commands but I can't figure out how to put the info in the same file.
wmic csproduct get "UUID" > C:\UUID.txt
ipconfig /all | find /i "phy" > C:\MAC.txt
It is possible to get the IP address and the UUID of a computer through batch file. However, it is unclear what you want to do with them. So, I will show you the way to get them and I will store their value in a variable. Do whatever you want then:
@echo off
rem Script to get the UUID and IP address of this computer.
rem Get IP address:
for /F "tokens=2 delims=(:" %%A IN ('ipconfig /all ^| findstr /c:"IPv4"') do (
for /F "tokens=*" %%B IN ("%%A") do (
rem Set the IP address into the IP_address variable:
set "IP_address=%%B"
rem Get UUID:
for /F %%A IN ('(wmic csproduct get "UUID"^) ^| findstr /c:"-"') do (
rem Set the UUID in the UUID variable:
set "UUID=%%A"
rem Echo the results
echo We have found that this computer has a UUID of %UUID%.
echo We have also found the IP address of this computer. It is: %IP_address%
If you want to redirect them to a file in the format mentioned in your question, use:
(echo %UUID% %IP_address%)>filename.txt
And if you want to append them, use:
(echo %UUID% %IP_address%)>>filename.txt
You may understand better how my code works, if I show you the output of each command processed.
ipconfig /all | findstr /c:"Ipv4"
:The output of it, is (for me):
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : xxx.xxx.x.x(Preferred)
I am not sure if you are getting these parenthesis.
The for /F
loop which processes the command has tokens=2
and delims=(:
option means not to parse into tokens the characters (
and :
. The tokens then, will be (separated by |
): IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . | xxx.xxx.x.x|Preferred)
. I have removed the characters (:
as you can see. The token which contains the IP address is the second one, so I select it using:tokens=2
option.Because there is one space in its start, I make another loop in this to remove the spaces in the start, using tokens=*
Finally, the IP address is set into the IP_address
variable and it is ready for use!
(wmic csproduct get "UUID") | findstr /c:"-"
:The output of this command is just the UUID (no additional loops here):
So, I just set it to a variable (UUID
) and it is ready for use!
For seeing what 'redirect' and what 'append' means, I suggest the following links for reading:
Also, I suggest opening a cmd, typing the following commands and reading carefully their output:
for /?
wmic /?
findstr /?
rem /?
set /?
echo /?
which will surely help you understand my code.