I have been working on osTicket to implement an API for customer reply. I have configured that incoming emails from customers which are transformed to new ticket then I had walked through the cron job code that inetiates mail fetch. I found some of APIs that used for staff reply and I have implemented that API.
My question is how to make a client reply API in osTicket and where should I start.
If anyone all ready implemented it then give me the git repository link.
Please help.
Add the following code in file upload/api/http.php
to establish routing.
$dispatcher = patterns('',
Then, add the following code in file upload/include/api.tickets.php
//client reply API
function postClientReply() {
try {
if (!($key = $this->requireApiKey()) || !$key->canCreateTickets())
return $this->exerr(401, __('API key not authorized'));
$errors = $this->validateParams($_POST);
// echo count($errors);
if (!count($errors)) {
$user = TicketUser::lookupByEmail($_POST['clientUserMail']);
$data['id'] = Ticket::getIdByNumber($_POST['ticketNumber']); //ticket id
$data['userId'] = $user->getId(); //user id
$data['staffId'] = 0;
$data['poster'] = ''; //$user->getUserName();
$data['ip_address'] = $_POST['ip_address']; //'::1';
$data['type'] = OsticketConfig::$commonParams['ownerMessageType']; //'M' - Message owner
$data['flags'] = ThreadEntry::FLAG_BALANCED; // HTML does not need to be balanced on ::display()
$data['body'] = $_POST['response'];
$data['html'] = OsticketConfig::$commonParams['htmlFormat']; //html
$data['created'] = OsticketConfig::$commonParams['sqlFunctionNow']; //SqlFunction NOW();
$data['updated'] = OsticketConfig::$commonParams['defaultDateTime'];
// print_r($data); die();
$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . THREAD_ENTRY_TABLE . ' (`id` ,`thread_id` ,`staff_id` ,`user_id` ,`type` ,`flags` ,`poster` ,`editor` ,`editor_type` ,`source` ,`title` ,`body` ,`format` ,`ip_address` ,`created` ,`updated`)
VALUES (NULL , ' . $data['id'] . ', ' . $data['staffId'] . ', ' . $data['userId'] . ', "' . $data['type'] . '", ' . $data['flags'] . ', "' . $data['poster'] . '", NULL , NULL , "API" , "" , "' . $data['body'] . '", "' . $data['html'] . '", "' . $data['ip_address'] . '", ' . $data['created'] . ', "' . $data['updated'] . '")';
if (!$res = db_query($sql)) {
$message = ['status' => 'failed', 'message' => 'SQL query not executed'];
$message = ['status' => 'success', 'message' => 'Reply posted succesfully'];
} else {
$message = ['status' => 'failed', 'errors' => $errors];
$result_code = 200;
$this->response($result_code, json_encode($message), $contentType = "application/json");
} catch (Throwable $e) {
$msg = $e->getMessage();
$result = array('tickets' => array(), 'status_code' => 'FAILURE', 'status_msg' => $msg);
$this->response(500, json_encode($result), $contentType = "application/json");
function validateParams($params) {
// print_r($params); die();
$errors = array();
if (empty($params['clientUserMail'])) {
$errors[] = 'client User Mail is missing';
if (empty($params['response'])) {
$errors[] = 'Message is missing';
if (!empty($params['ticketNumber'])) {
$id = Ticket::getIdByNumber($params['ticketNumber']);
if ($id <= 0) {
$errors[] = "Ticket not found";
} else {
//To check the ticket status, which may be closed
$ticket = Ticket::lookup($id);
$ticket_status = $ticket->getState();
if ($ticket_status == OsticketConfig::$commonParams['closedTicketStatus']) {
$errors[] = "You can't make reply, Ticket closed";
} else {
$errors[] = 'Ticket number is missing';
return $errors;
Add the following code in file upload/include/class.config.php
static $commonParams = array(
'ownerMessageType' => 'M',
'htmlFormat' => 'html',
'sqlFunctionNow' => 'NOW()',
'defaultDateTime' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
'closedTicketStatus' => 'closed'