I know there are very similar questions but I need to know what's going on in this specific case. I wrote a function to reverse items of a multidimensional array along a specific dimension. To do this I convert the multidimensional array to a jagged array and than recursively find the array dimension where perform the reversal.
public static void Reverse(this Array array, int dimension, int start, int end)
object[] jag = array.ToJaggedArray();
if (!jag.ReverseAux(0, dimension, start, end))
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("dimension", dimension, "Dimension must be nonnegative and less than array dimensions number.");
array = jag;
Now my problem is that when I run this method my input array has not been modified. Shouldn't an array be passed by reference? When I assign array = jag
why it is correctly assigned inside the method but not outside?
For example:
// create 2D array of strings
string[,] ar = {{"00", "01", "02"},
{"10", "11", "12"},
{"20", "21", "22"}};
// reverse the first dimension (rows)
ar.Reverse(0, 0, 2);
// show the result
MessageBox.Show(ar.ToString(null, null));
The output is {{00, 01, 02}, {10, 11, 12}, {20, 21, 22}}
that is exactly the original array. If I check the output in Reverse
public static void Reverse(this Array array, int dimension, int start, int end)
array = jag;
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(array.ToString(null, null));
this shows the correct reversed array {{20, 21, 22}, {10, 11, 12}, {00, 01, 02}}
Shouldn't an array be passed by reference? Why after the local assignment my input array is referencing the orignal pointer and not the assigned? Should I use ref
keyword for array argument? If yes is it possible to continue using this method as an extension of Array
All references/values in paramaters of function other than with out and ref modifiers can be considered as solely local variables (though, you still can change values inside referenced objects).
In C# we do such extension methods like this, so it looks like it is stateless extension method:
public static Array Reverse(this Array array, int dimension, int start, int end)
object[] jag = array.ToJaggedArray();
if (!jag.ReverseAux(0, dimension, start, end))
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("dimension", dimension, "Dimension must be nonnegative and less than array dimensions number.");
return jag;
var output = input.Reverse(...);