In London, the city name is in the object with type postal_town
, whereas, in Amsterdam it is in the object with type locality
and in Tokyo it is in the object with type administrative_area_level_1
So how should I decide which object to pick in order to extract the city name when it varies city to city?
Currently, I have something which half works:
const checkCity = data.address_components.find((component) =>
const checkTown = data.address_components.find((component) =>
if (checkCity) {
city = checkCity.long_name
} else if (checkTown) {
city = checkTown.long_name
However, using this code I don't get the correct city name of Tokyo, I get the locality Minato-ku which is a ward in Tokyo.
Result from Tokyo:
address_components: Array(8)
0: {long_name: "Sotobori Dori", short_name: "都道405号線", types: Array(1)}
1: {long_name: "1", short_name: "1", types: Array(3)}
2: {long_name: "2 Chome", short_name: "2 Chome", types: Array(3)}
3: {long_name: "Motoakasaka", short_name: "Motoakasaka", types: Array(3)}
long_name: "Minato-ku"
short_name: "Minato-ku"
types: (2) ["locality", "political"]
__proto__: Object
long_name: "Tōkyō-to"
short_name: "Tōkyō-to"
types: (2) ["administrative_area_level_1", "political"]
Result from London:
address_components: Array(7)
0: {long_name: "27-29", short_name: "27-29", types: Array(1)}
1: {long_name: "King Street", short_name: "King St", types: Array(1)}
long_name: "London"
short_name: "London"
types: ["postal_town"]
__proto__: Object
long_name: "Greater London"
short_name: "Greater London"
types: (2) ["administrative_area_level_2", "political"]
__proto__: Object
4: {long_name: "England", short_name: "England", types: Array(2)}
5: {long_name: "United Kingdom", short_name: "GB", types: Array(2)}
6: {long_name: "WC2E 8JB", short_name: "WC2E 8JB", types: Array(1)}
Result from Amsterdam:
address_components: Array(8)
0: {long_name: "9", short_name: "9", types: Array(1)}
1: {long_name: "Slijkstraat", short_name: "Slijkstraat", types: Array(1)}
2: {long_name: "Amsterdam-Centrum", short_name: "Amsterdam-Centrum", types: Array(3)}
long_name: "Amsterdam"
short_name: "Amsterdam"
types: (2) ["locality", "political"]
__proto__: Object
4: {long_name: "Amsterdam", short_name: "Amsterdam", types: Array(2)}
5: {long_name: "Noord-Holland", short_name: "NH", types: Array(2)}
6: {long_name: "Netherlands", short_name: "NL", types: Array(2)}
7: {long_name: "1012 CM", short_name: "1012 CM", types: Array(1)}
Having faced the problem of trying to find specific items easily in the GeoCoder response I have tended to use the following functions - it has worked fairly well for me but I can imagine there would be situations where it might yield incorrect results.
calculate the intersection of two arrays - return result as a `Set` object
and use the `size` method of the `Set` to determine if we made a match when
testing the arrays..
const intersect=function(a,b){
return new Set( a.filter( v => ~b.indexOf( v ) ) );
const gettowncity=function( addcomp ){
if( typeof( addcomp )=='object' && addcomp instanceof Array ){
let order=[ 'sublocality_level_1', 'neighborhood', 'locality', 'postal_town' ];
for( let i=0; i < addcomp.length; i++ ){
let obj=addcomp[ i ];
let types=obj.types;
if( intersect( order, types ).size > 0 )return obj;
return false;
In the callback function of the Geocoder request:
if( status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK ){
let addcomp = results[0].address_components;
let obj = gettowncity( addcomp );
if( obj ) 'Town/City: %o', obj.long_name );
/* ... other code ... */
A variation on the gettowncity
adds a second parameter of the types to look for in the response object
const findcomponent=function( addcomp, arr ){
if( typeof( addcomp )=='object' && addcomp instanceof Array ){
for( let i=0; i < addcomp.length; i++ ){
let obj=addcomp[ i ];
let types=obj.types;
if( intersect( arr, types ).size > 0 )return obj;
return false;
let obj=findcomponent( addcomp, [ 'postal_code' ] );
if( obj ) 'Postcode: %s', obj.long_name )