I have an HTML element (input of type checkbox), and in my template, I've added the following to the mentioned HTML element:
<input type="checkbox" *ngFor="let status of statuses"
[class.disabled]="status==='Ready' && settings.length > 0 && !settings.includes(status)" [disabled]="status==='Ready' && settings.length > 0 && !settings.includes(status)">
Now, everything works perfectly and exactly the way I want, but I need to duplicate a very long condition:
"status==='Ready' && settings.length > 0 && !settings.includes(status)"
Is there a shorter way to do it?
I can't use only disabled, because then the checkbox would be disabled indeed, but it will look as if it is active and enabled (even though it can't be checked).
I can't use only class.disabled, because then the checkbox would look as disabled, but if I try to check it, I will succeed (it only looks as disabled, but it actually enabled).
Any suggestion, please?
Instead of checking all the condition "status==='Ready' && settings.length > 0 && !settings.includes(status)" in template, use component for this.
you can write a simple function in the component which return either true or false based on the condition
function disableCheckBox() {
if(status==='Ready' && settings.length > 0 && !settings.includes(status))
return true;
return false;
and in the template
<input type="checkbox" *ngFor="let status of statuses"
[class.disabled]="disableCheckBox()" [disabled]="disableCheckBox()">
Or Else create a single variable for that