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Return Callable from retrofit method on android

This is my method on Retrofit:

Callable<List<Comments>> getCommentsRx();

I have created Thread class for Rxjava stuff :

public static <T> Disposable async(Callable<List<T>> task, Consumer<List<T>> finished, Consumer<Throwable> onError) {
        return async(task, finished, onError,;

public static <T> Disposable async(Callable<List<T>> task, Consumer<List<T>> finished,
                                   Consumer<Throwable> onError, Scheduler scheduler) {
    finished = finished != null ? finished
            : (a) -> {
    onError = onError != null ? onError
            : throwable -> {

    return Single.fromCallable(task)
            .subscribe(finished, onError);

I have loadjson method to fetch data from network:

private void loadJson(Consumer<List<Comments>> finished) {

    Threading.async(() -> fetchingServer(),finished,null);

private List<Comments> fetchingServer() {
    JsonplaceholderService service =

    try {
        return service.getCommentsRx().call();
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return null;

but i got error in fetchingServer method.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to create call adapter for java.util.concurrent.Callable> for method JsonplaceholderService.getCommentsRx


  • Retrofit doesn't have adapters for Callable and you can't use it in your @GET method.

    You can use:

    1. RxJava2 Observable, Flowable, Single, Completable & Maybe,

    2. Java 8 CompletableFuture

    3. Retrofit Call

    So, you can do something like this:

    Observable<List<Comments>> getCommentsRx(); //rx observable, not java.util.observable

    In your client:

            .subscribe(finished, onError)