So i have a firebase database
and this is my code to get specific data
db = firebase.database()
test = db.child("Users").order_by_child("IDNumber").equal_to(222333123).get().val()
then the result returns as an OrderedDict
OrderedDict([('Ays', {'Ays': 'Baby', 'IDNumber': 222333123})])
i want to extract the data and have Ays = Baby and IDNumber = 222333123 as two separate variables. i tried using .items() and putting it into list but i can't seem to separate it. is there any other way?
There can be several items in the OrderedDict. It is always safe to iterate the list
from collections import OrderedDict
od = OrderedDict([('Ays', {'Ays': 'Baby', 'IDNumber': 222333123}), ('Ays1', {
'Ays1': 'Baby1', 'IDNumber1': 222333123})])
for val in od.values():
for k, v in val.items():
print(k, v)
Ays Baby
IDNumber 222333123
Ays1 Baby1
IDNumber1 222333123