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NoMethodError: undefined method 'permit' for String

I have a React SPA with a Rails API. I recently changed my API requests on the React side to go through axios instead of jquery and my axios setup is:

export default class API {
  static send(verb, resource, rawParams, callback, errcallback) {
    const params = Object.keys(rawParams).reduce((o, k) => {
      o[k] = rawParams[k];
      return o;
    }, {});

    const errorCallback = typeof errcallback === 'function' ? errcallback : () => {};

    const request = {
      method: verb,
      url: `${URL}/${resource}`

    const token = window.sessionStorage.getItem('jwt');
    request.headers = {};
    if (token !== 'undefined' && token != null) {
      request.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${token}`;

    if (verb === 'GET' || verb === 'DELETE') {
      request.params = params;
      request.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
      request.headers.Accept = 'application/json';
    } else {
      request.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
      request.headers.Accept = 'application/json'; = params;

      .then(response => {
        if (resource === 'users/sign_in') {
          const jwt = response.headers.authorization;
          window.sessionStorage.setItem('jwt', jwt.split('Bearer ')[1]);
        } else if (resource === 'users/sign_out') {
      .catch(error => {

  static baseURL() {
    return URL;

  static get(resource, params, callback, errcallback) {
    API.send('GET', resource, params, callback, errcallback);

  static post(resource, params, callback, errcallback) {
    API.send('POST', resource, params, callback, errcallback);

  static put(resource, params, callback, errcallback) {
    API.send('PUT', resource, params, callback, errcallback);

  static del(resource, params, callback, errcallback) {
    API.send('DELETE', resource, params, callback, errcallback);

And to this I create a request such as:

API.get('user/user_auth', { validate_user: { user_type: 'gamer' } }. res => {

But now my Rails side fails in the permit param. The permit is defined as:

def user_type_params

And every time I do something like user_type_params[:user_type] in my Rails code I get an error such as:

NoMethodError (undefined method `permit' for "{\"user_type\":\"gamer\"}":String)`

It sends it as a string even though I added request.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';. Is there some other way to convert the params properly before making the request?


  • It turns out that Axios escaping nested JSON is a known issue: axios/issues/738.

    The way to fix this was to add an interceptor in my api.js such as:

    axios.interceptors.request.use(config => {
      config.paramsSerializer = params =>
        qs.stringify(params, {
          arrayFormat: 'brackets',
          encode: false
      return config;

    This ensures that the nested params are converted properly before sending them to Rails