SQL Server 2017 (14.0.1000.169)
2 Tables with CDC
- The CDC capture runs only every 60 seconds - but as you can see on the image - pollinginterval is 5 (seconds?)
- Its a huge server - Task manager shows no activity - SQL Activity monitor also
- The database / tables are created, 13875 records are inserted (and then nothing its done - just waiting for CDC to catch up - the whole SQL Server is on idle) - no changes to capture job
- SQL Server Agent has not warnings / errors in log
Expected behaviour: Every 5 seconds 5000 transactions (500 (trans) * 10 (scans)) should be commited.
Any idea?
EDIT: If i call sys.sp_cdc_scan manually - 5000 transaction are commited to CDC table. So why the hell does it not work with the agent?!