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How do I create nested TreeMaps?

This is somewhat related to my previous question but I've realised that I needed to deal with the issue of nesting earlier in the problem, so here's where I am. (I'm also not far off being a beginner in Java, so please bear with me).

I'm creating a simple booking system for 5 rooms which will take in names, times, room numbers and days. This has to be done using nested TreeMaps. Here's the layout of the data as I see it, where paretheses represent the boundaries of a TreeMap:

(Day, (Room #, (Time, Name)))

As far as I can see, I need one TreeMap for times and names, one for each room, then one for each day. That means one time/name treemap per room per day, which means 1 x 5 x 7 = 35 TreeMaps. Like this:

{Mon,  [Room 1,  (0600, NameA
                  0630, NameB
                  0700, NameC)
        Room 2,  (0600, NameD
                  0630, NameE)
        Room 3,  (0600, NameF
                  0630, NameG)]
Tues,  [Room 1,  (0600, Name1
                  0630, Name2)
        Room 2,  (0600, Name3
                  0630, Name4
                  0700, Name5)]}

(the different bracket types represent the boundaries of the nested TreeMaps)

Having come to that conclusion, my next problem is iterating through a loop to create all those TreeMaps. I can't seem to dynamically generate the TreeMaps using a for loop, because I can't stick a counter's variable number onto the newly-created TreeMap's name.

I did have this:

TreeMap keyDay = new TreeMap();
TreeMap keyRoom = new TreeMap();
TreeMap keyTime = new TreeMap();

but it is only three, which is clearly not enough to allow for duplication of keys - any new entries for e.g. '0900' (time key) or e.g. 'Room 1' (room key) will overwrite the old ones.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Would be much appreciated :)


  • I agree it is really super mega bad. But if you want to implement this functionality, I recommend HashMaps instead. Here is a class that implements the functionality you want:

    public class Reservations {
    static final int  DAY_SUN = 0, DAY_MON = 1, DAY_TUE = 2, DAY_WED = 3, DAY_THU = 4, DAY_FRI = 5, DAY_SAT = 6;
    static final int ROOM_1 = 0, ROOM_2 = 1, ROOM_3 = 2, ROOM_4 = 3, ROOM_5 = 4;
    private static HashMap<Integer[], String[]> hMap = new HashMap<Integer[], String[]>();
    static String [] getStringForValue(Integer[] i){
        return hMap.get(i);
    static TreeSet<String> getOrderedOutputStrings(){
        TreeSet<String> set = new TreeSet<String>();
        for(Entry<Integer[],String[]> e : hMap.entrySet()){
            int day_int = Reservations.getDay(e.getKey());
            int room_int = Reservations.getRoom(e.getKey());
            int time = Reservations.getTime(e.getValue());
            String name = Reservations.getGuestName(e.getValue());
            String day = Reservations.dayToString(day_int);
            String room = Reservations.roomToString(room_int);
            if(time > 0)
            set.add("DAY: " + "(" + day_int + ")" + day + " (" + room_int + ")"+ "ROOM: " + room + " :: " + name + " @ " + time);
        return set;
    static void setupMap() {
        for (int day = 0; day < 7; day++) {
            for (int room = 0; room < 5; room++) {
                addGuest(day, room, (int)(Math.random()*1000), "Bob TestCase");
    static void addGuest(int day, int room, int time, String name) {
        Integer[] ref = new Integer[2];
        ref[0] = day;
        ref[1] = room;
        String[] s = new String[2];
        s[0] = Integer.toString(time);
        s[1] = name;
        hMap.put(ref, s);
    static String[] lookupRoom(int day, int room) {
        Integer[] i = new Integer[2];
        i[0] = day;
        i[1] = room;
        return hMap.get(i);
    static int getDay(Integer[] i){
        return i[0];
    static int getRoom(Integer[] i ){
        return i[1];
    static int getTime(String[] s) {
        return Integer.parseInt(s[0]);
    public static String getGuestName(String[] s) {
        return s[1];
    public static String dayToString(int i){
            case 0:
                return "SUNDAY";
            case 1:
                return "MONDAY";
            case 2:
                return "TUESDAY";
            case 3:
                return "WEDNESDAY";
            case 4:
                return "THURSDAY";
            case 5:
                return "FRIDAY";
            case 6:
                return "SATURDAY";
                return null;
    public static String roomToString(int i){
            case 0:
                return "ROOM ONE";
            case 1:
                return "ROOM TWO";
            case 2:
                return "ROOM THREE";
            case 3:
                return "ROOM FOUR";
            case 4:
                return "ROOM FIVE";
                return null;


    Here is a main that runs the Reservations class:

    public class Main {
     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Reservations.setupMap(); //Run to test TODO: remove setupMap() from Reservation class 
        Reservations.addGuest(Reservations.DAY_MON, Reservations.ROOM_2, 1230, "John Doe");
        TreeSet<String> set = new TreeSet<String>();
        for(String s: Reservations.getOrderedOutputStrings()){
            System.out.println(s + "\n");

    And finally, using SetupMap and the single entry, it produces:

    DAY: (0)SUNDAY (0)ROOM: ROOM ONE :: Bob TestCase @ 423
    DAY: (0)SUNDAY (1)ROOM: ROOM TWO :: Bob TestCase @ 637
    DAY: (0)SUNDAY (2)ROOM: ROOM THREE :: Bob TestCase @ 731
    DAY: (0)SUNDAY (3)ROOM: ROOM FOUR :: Bob TestCase @ 424
    DAY: (0)SUNDAY (4)ROOM: ROOM FIVE :: Bob TestCase @ 427
    DAY: (1)MONDAY (0)ROOM: ROOM ONE :: Bob TestCase @ 335
    DAY: (1)MONDAY (1)ROOM: ROOM TWO :: Bob TestCase @ 580
    DAY: (1)MONDAY (1)ROOM: ROOM TWO :: John Doe @ 1230
    DAY: (1)MONDAY (2)ROOM: ROOM THREE :: Bob TestCase @ 700
    DAY: (1)MONDAY (3)ROOM: ROOM FOUR :: Bob TestCase @ 556
    DAY: (1)MONDAY (4)ROOM: ROOM FIVE :: Bob TestCase @ 92
    DAY: (2)TUESDAY (0)ROOM: ROOM ONE :: Bob TestCase @ 84
    DAY: (2)TUESDAY (1)ROOM: ROOM TWO :: Bob TestCase @ 964
    DAY: (2)TUESDAY (2)ROOM: ROOM THREE :: Bob TestCase @ 981
    DAY: (2)TUESDAY (3)ROOM: ROOM FOUR :: Bob TestCase @ 294
    DAY: (2)TUESDAY (4)ROOM: ROOM FIVE :: Bob TestCase @ 22
    DAY: (3)WEDNESDAY (0)ROOM: ROOM ONE :: Bob TestCase @ 216
    DAY: (3)WEDNESDAY (1)ROOM: ROOM TWO :: Bob TestCase @ 838
    DAY: (3)WEDNESDAY (2)ROOM: ROOM THREE :: Bob TestCase @ 198
    DAY: (3)WEDNESDAY (3)ROOM: ROOM FOUR :: Bob TestCase @ 494
    DAY: (3)WEDNESDAY (4)ROOM: ROOM FIVE :: Bob TestCase @ 796
    DAY: (4)THURSDAY (0)ROOM: ROOM ONE :: Bob TestCase @ 617
    DAY: (4)THURSDAY (1)ROOM: ROOM TWO :: Bob TestCase @ 866
    DAY: (4)THURSDAY (2)ROOM: ROOM THREE :: Bob TestCase @ 799
    DAY: (4)THURSDAY (3)ROOM: ROOM FOUR :: Bob TestCase @ 242
    DAY: (4)THURSDAY (4)ROOM: ROOM FIVE :: Bob TestCase @ 178
    DAY: (5)FRIDAY (0)ROOM: ROOM ONE :: Bob TestCase @ 491
    DAY: (5)FRIDAY (1)ROOM: ROOM TWO :: Bob TestCase @ 16
    DAY: (5)FRIDAY (2)ROOM: ROOM THREE :: Bob TestCase @ 838
    DAY: (5)FRIDAY (3)ROOM: ROOM FOUR :: Bob TestCase @ 63
    DAY: (5)FRIDAY (4)ROOM: ROOM FIVE :: Bob TestCase @ 860
    DAY: (6)SATURDAY (0)ROOM: ROOM ONE :: Bob TestCase @ 73
    DAY: (6)SATURDAY (1)ROOM: ROOM TWO :: Bob TestCase @ 759
    DAY: (6)SATURDAY (2)ROOM: ROOM THREE :: Bob TestCase @ 15
    DAY: (6)SATURDAY (3)ROOM: ROOM FOUR :: Bob TestCase @ 115
    DAY: (6)SATURDAY (4)ROOM: ROOM FIVE :: Bob TestCase @ 21

    That result was generated in less than a single second. I promise that is infinitely more efficient than nested TreeMaps. Good Luck!