I have a collection with 15 documents, manually I added the views of each items anfd the total was 23.000~ but when I view the statistics of the colecction I get 3.200~. When viewing the statistics of a collection in DSpace 6 I only get the views the collection has gotten but it doesn't add the views the items of that collection has gotten.
How can I add each item's statistics into the collection?
The DSpace Usage Statistics for a Collection or Community only display views of the Collection or Community landing page. The total item views are not displayed in the user interface.
The question can be answered by querying the Solr repository within DSpace. We have built an internal reporting tool that computes these usage numbers.
You can get the item uuid from the database or from the url of the item edit page.
q=type:2 AND owningColl:59f3a497-9e82-4100-ba9a-e00cff04ec43
q=type:2 AND owningComm:59f3a497-9e82-4100-ba9a-e00cff04ec43
q=type:2 AND owningComm:59f3a497-9e82-4100-ba9a-e00cff04ec43
I have a tutorial on using Solr with DSpace here: https://github.com/terrywbrady/TutorialSolrAdmin