Is it possible to do a string interpolation formatting a substring of a string?
I have been searching the Microsoft documents about string interpolation but cannot get a working sample done. reference.
Currently I have :
var description = "the quick brown fox";
var result = $"{description.Substring(0, description.Length < 10 ? description.Length : 10)} jumps..",
using string interpolation I would ideally like to use:
var description = "the quick brown fox";
var result = $"{description:10} jumps..",
I would expect the output of result to be :
The quick jumps..
As the question was:
"Is it possible to do a string interpolation formatting a substring of a string?"
In such a manner:
var result = $"{description:10} jumps..",
The answer given from @JohnSkeet and @JeroenMostert was most acurate:
"No, it is not possible."
There are various ways to simplify the call. thanks for @PiotrWojsa for pointing that out. however that doesnt involve the interpolation part..