Is it possible to mark certain includes to only get included on relevant OS's?
For example, can you do something like:
#[cfg(unix)] {
use std::os::unix::io::IntoRawFd;
#[cfg(windows)] {
// suggests this is equivalent?
use std::os::windows::io::AsRawHandle;
Trying to compile the above code gives me syntax errors (i.e. error: expected item after attributes
I'm trying to patch a Rust project I found on GitHub to compile on Windows (while still making it retain the ability to be compiled on its existing targets - i.e. Unixes & WASM). Currently I'm running into a problem where some of the files import platform-specific parts from std::os
(e.g. use std::os::unix::io::IntoRawFd;
), which ends up breaking the build on Windows.
Note: I'm using Rust Stable (1.31.1) and not nightly.
The syntax you are looking for is:
#[cfg(target_os = "unix")]
use std::os::unix::io::IntoRawFd;
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
use std::os::windows::io::AsRawHandle;