I would like to create a ticket with inline image but cannot get through it. I am using a rich text having a pasted screen capture image, the content is like
"<img ..."
By using ZendeskApi_V2, I set the Ticket's Comment HtmlBody with the content mentioned but did not work, neither of PlainBody or Body.
Anyone can help, please.
For instance:
In my application, an image is inserted into a RadEditor
By setting the Ticket.Comment as
var ticket = new Ticket {
Comment = new Comment {
HtmlBody = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(RadEditor.Content)
After sending the Create Ticket request, I cannot see the inline image in the Zendesk dashboard.
So, did I do it in a right way? How should an embedded or inline image be sent through Zendesk API?
You may need to upload the attachment file first, then you can set the attachment's token in the comment. See here - https://developer.zendesk.com/rest_api/docs/support/tickets#attaching-files