I am setting the duration of a imageClip, but it doesnt seem to care.
I am setting the duration of a imageClip, but it doesnt seem to care. When i try to add duplicate clips it doesnt register. Any help would be appreciated!
img = os.listdir(picDir)
rawClips = [ImageClip(str(picDir)+m).set_duration(2) for m in img]
clips = []
for i in rawClips:
for x in range(imageDuration):
music = AudioFileClip("music.mp3")
video = concatenate_videoclips(clips, method="compose")
video.write_videofile('result.mp4', fps=120)
return send_file("result.mp4")
It should make every clip duration to 5, but i sets it to 1
It was a flask error, i have no idea how though