Say I have the following definition of a reflexive and transitive closure of a relation, where relations are represented by binary predicates:
closure :: "(['a, 'a] ⇒ bool) ⇒ (['a, 'a] ⇒ bool)"
for ℛ (infix "→" 50)
"x → y ⟹ closure (→) x y" |
"closure (→) x x" |
"⟦closure (→) x y; closure (→) y z⟧ ⟹ closure (→) x z"
I want to have a nicer syntax for applications of closure
. Say I’d like to be able to write x *(→)* y
for closure (→) x y
. The problem is that the argument order in this notation doesn’t match the argument order of the function closure
I thought that perhaps the use of \<index>
could help. Unfortunately, the documentation of \<index>
in the Isabelle/Isar Reference Manual is very terse, and I couldn’t really make sense of it. I played a bit with \<index>
but didn’t find any workable solution.
What puzzled me was that apparently \<index>
gets translated to ⇘some_index⇙
, judging from some error messages I got. I tried to use ⇘ℛ⇙
to mark the position where the base relation should go, but this didn’t work either.
To switch the arguments, an abbreviation is the best choice. (syntax
works, too, but abbreviations should be preferred because they work in any context (locales, type classes, ...) and are type-checked.) Fortunately, inductive
allows you to simultaneously declare abbreviations together with an inductive definition. The equations for the abbreviations have to come first. Here's how it works for your example:
inductive closure :: "(['a, 'a] ⇒ bool) ⇒ (['a, 'a] ⇒ bool)"
and closure_syntax :: "['a, ['a, 'a] ⇒ bool, 'a] ⇒ bool" ("(_ ⇧*(_)⇧* _)" [999,0,999] 100)
for ℛ (infix "→" 50)
"x ⇧*(→)⇧* y ≡ closure (→) x y"
| gen: "x → y ⟹ x ⇧*(→)⇧* y"
| refl: "x ⇧*(→)⇧* x"
| trans: "⟦x ⇧*(→)⇧* y; y ⇧*(→)⇧* z⟧ ⟹ x ⇧*(→)⇧* z"
The syntax element \<index>
is rarely used nowadays, because locales achieve a similar effect and are usually more flexible. The point of \<index>
is that you can declare a parameter as (structure)
and this will then automatically be inserted whereever the parser sees \<index>
in the syntax grammar. So it allows you to omit repeating the structure
parameter, but locales usually work better.