I'm building a C# .NET winform GekoFx browser and I'm trying to display a lock icon if a webpage is secure (has valid SSL).
I tried using this code, but it shows all sites including Google as 'insecure'.
if(selectedBrowser.SecurityState == GeckoSecurityState.Secure)
button4.Image = SvgDocument.Open<SvgDocument>("icons/lock-outline.svg").Draw();
} else if (selectedBrowser.SecurityState == GeckoSecurityState.Insecure)
button4.Image = SvgDocument.Open<SvgDocument>("icons/unlock-outline.svg").Draw();
How can I successfully check if a webpage is secure or not?
I don't have a perfect solution but in the end, I just went with labeling HTTP sites as insecure and HTTPS sites as secure, hoping that SSL certificate errors would be taken care of by Gecko.