Have tables with wallets
and services
id and name
id service_id balance
$statistic = Wallets::leftJoin('service', 'service.id', '=', 'wallets.service_id')->select('name as label', 'balance as value')->where('balance', '>', 0)->whereYear('wallets.updated_at', $now->year)->whereMonth('wallets.updated_at', $now->month)->get();
And get result
but after ->groupBy('label'):
get only first results
// If you are referring count as total balance then you can do this
$statistic = Wallets::leftJoin('service', 'service.id', '=', 'wallets.service_id')
->where('balance', '>', 0)
->whereYear('wallets.updated_at', $now->year)
->whereMonth('wallets.updated_at', $now->month)
\DB::raw('name as label'),
\DB::raw('SUM(balance) as value')
// If you are referring count as total entries for each label then you can do this
$statistic = Wallets::leftJoin('service', 'service.id', '=', 'wallets.service_id')
->where('balance', '>', 0)
->whereYear('wallets.updated_at', $now->year)
->whereMonth('wallets.updated_at', $now->month)
\DB::raw('name as label'),
\DB::raw('balance as value'),
\DB::raw('count(*) as aggregate')